Thursday, March 10, 2011

Review Questions

What was the purpose of the Diet of Worms?

What made much of Martin Luther's work illegal?

What did Martin Luther achieve?

Works Cited

“Alzey-Worms District—An Extensive Vineyard.” 2011.
<>. 10 March 2011.

“General view, Worms, the Rhine.” Old Pictures. 1890-1900. <>. 10 March 2011.

“Luther at the Imperial Diet of Worms (1521).” Luther. 1997. <
worms.html>. 9 March 2011.

“Luther Monument.” Nibelungenstadt Worms. <
tourismus/sehenswuerdigkeiten/denkmaeler_brunnen.php?navid=60>. 9 March 2011.

“Vinyard and Old Castle Tower, Ober-Floresheim, Alzey-Worms, Rhineland-Palatine, Germany.” Super Stock. 2011. <>. 10 March 2011.
“Worms Cathedral.” Sacred Destinations. 2010. < cathedral.htm>. 10 March 2010.

A Glimpse at Worms

Vineyard and Old Castle Tower, Ober-Florsheim, Alzey-Worms, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (1828R-69262 / 600-03152788t © Radius)
This is a picture of a portion of vineyard
in the Worms-Alzey area.
Worms Cathedral
This is an image of the wonderful Worms Cathedral.
 As it is pictured, it is very tall and majestic.
Map of the Alzey-Worms District
This is, of course, a map of the Azley-Worms region.

General view, Worms, the Rhine, Germany
This is an overview of Worms from 
“General view, Worms, the Rhine.”   
"Luther Monument."

Today's To-dos

Today in Worms, Germany, there are various different sights to see. Many of these are statues and monuments, one of which is a monument for Martin Luther, the man who is base of Protestantism. It was presented in 1868 and stands strong today (“Luther Monument”). Also in the Worms (specifically Alzey-Worms) area, there are many vineyards. This entire span of land along the Rhine River is well known for their vineyards (“Alzey-Worms…”). If one were to go there today, it would surly be interesting to see the vast expanses of them. Another location that would be wonderful to visit would be the Worms Cathedral for Saint Peter. It is a grand and beautiful structure that has been there for a very long time (“Worms Cathedral”).
As we have studied in class, Martin Luther was a man who disagreed with what was done by the Church at the time. A major aspect that he thought to be wrong was the sale of indulgences. Martin Luther took measures to make his thoughts known so as to promote a reformation. This was not well approved of by the Church officials, so he was called to a meeting. This meeting was titled the Diet of Worms since it took place in Worms, Germany. Here he was asked to rebuke what he had been saying. He refused and was later made to be an outlaw with the Edict of Worms, also based in Worms, Germany ("Luther at the...").