Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Glimpse at Worms

Vineyard and Old Castle Tower, Ober-Florsheim, Alzey-Worms, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (1828R-69262 / 600-03152788t © Radius)
This is a picture of a portion of vineyard
in the Worms-Alzey area.
Worms Cathedral
This is an image of the wonderful Worms Cathedral.
 As it is pictured, it is very tall and majestic.
Map of the Alzey-Worms District
This is, of course, a map of the Azley-Worms region.

General view, Worms, the Rhine, Germany
This is an overview of Worms from 
“General view, Worms, the Rhine.”   
"Luther Monument."

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